Cognitive Science and Applied Linguistics:
An Annotated Bibliography
by Stephen Pierson.

Adamson, H.D.  "Prototype Schemas, Variation Theory, and the Structural Syllabus." IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching 28.1 (1990): 1-24.
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Alcon, Eva.  ‘Input and Input Processing in Second Language Acquisition."  IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.  36.4 (1998): 343-63. 
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Extract: "his paper aims to analyze learners' processing of the linguistic data of the target language which they are exposed to. In order to achieve our aim the terms input and intake are examined as well as the factors and cognitive processes that potentially affect input processing."  

Apelt, Walter, and Heike Koernig.  "Affectivity in the Teaching of Foreign Languages." European Education 29.2 (1997): 29-47.
Abstract: Focuses on the effectivity of the methods of teaching foreign languages. Two poles of linguistic action; Reasons why the recognition of the omnipresence of emotions in communication was not deal with sufficiently; Humanistic method as an alternative method in teaching foreign language; Why positive emotions are important language learning incentives.

Baker, William J.  "An 'Information Structure' View of Language." In Story-Scientia. Experimental Linguistics: Integration of Theories and Applications.   Ed. Gary D. Prideaux et al.  Ghent, 1980. pp. 293-307.

Barry, Bradford A.  "Writer Motivation: Beyond the Intrinsic/Extrinsic Dichotomy Source."  Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning: JAEPL. 5 (1999-2000):25-36.

Bavelas, Janet Beavin, and Nicole Chovil.  "Visible Acts of Meaning." Journal of Language and Social Psychology.  19.2 (2000): 163-95.
Abstract: The authors propose that dialogue in face-to-face interaction is both audible and visible; language use in this setting includes visible acts of meaning such as facial displays and hand gestures. Several criteria distinguish these from other nonverbal acts: (a) They are sensitive to a sender, receiver relationship in that they are less likely to occur when an addressee will not see them, (b) they are analogically encoded symbols, (c) their meaning can be explicated or demonstrated in context, and (d) they are fully integrated with the accompanying words, although they may be redundant or nonredundant with these words. For these particular acts, the authors eschew the term nonverbal communication because it is a negative definition based solely on physical source. Instead, they propose an integrated message model in which the moment-by-moment audible and visible communicative acts are treated as a unified whole.  [FPI in ASE]

Beaufort, Anne.  "Learning the Trade: A Social Apprenticeship Model for Gaining Writing Expertise."  Written Communication 17.2 (2000):185-224. [FPI in ASE]
Extract:  Taking a social constructionist point of view and drawing on the work in cognitive psychology on situated cognition and expert performances, this study reports on a segment of an ethnography of writing in a workplace setting that reveals the interconnections of discourse community goals, writers' roles, and the socialization process for writers new to a given discourse community. Specifically, the data reveal 15 different writing roles assumed by members of the discourse community that depict a continuum from novice to expert writing behaviors. Writing roles were defined in relation to both the importance to community goals of the text to be written and to the amount of context-specific writing knowledge required to accomplish the task. The study applies the notion of legitimate peripheral participation in a discourse community and creates a framework for conceptualizing a social apprenticeship in writing either in school or nonschool settings.

Danesi, Marcel.  "The Neuroscientific Perspective in Second Language Acquisition Research: A Critical Synopsis. IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.  32.3 (1994): 201-29.  [FT in ASE]
Abstract: Focuses on the neuroscientific studies of language. Historical synopsis of neuroscientific theories of language; Primary versus secondary language acquisition issue; Critical period hypothesis; Role of the right hemisphere.

Green, David W.  "Psycholinguistics: Cognitive Aspects of Human Communication." In Cognitive Psychology: New Directions.  Ed. Guy Claxton.  Boston: Routledge. 1980.  pp. 236-74.

Grotjahn, Rudiger, and Andrew Cohen (comment). "Test Validation and Cognitive Psychology: Some Methodological Considerations."  Language Testing.  3.2 (1986): 159-187.

Beer, Francis.  Memetic Meanings."  Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission.  (1999): a-5.  [FT in ASE]
Abstract.  Rose (<A HREF="#Rose98">1998) raises a number of important issues for the developing area of memetics. These include the ambiguous definition of central terms like'meme', memetics' use of central analogies and metaphors from genetics, and the role of philosophical concepts like 'self' and 'mind' in memetics. All these can be considered as issues of meaning.

Gadenne, Volker.  "Zuruck zum Behaviorismus? Ein Kommentar zu Theodor Icklers Kritik an der mentalistischen Psychologie."  Sprache & Kognition 13.2 (1994): 113-17.

Harris, Richard Jackson.  "Cognitive Psychology and Applied Linguistics: A Timely Rapprochement."  Cadernos de Linguistica e Teoria Da Literatura. 7 (1982):153-164.

Harris, Catherine.  "Connectionism and Cognitive Linguistics."  Connection Science 2.5 (1990): 27-40. [FT in ASE]
Abstract: Cognitive linguists hypothesize that language is the product of general cognitive abilities.
Semantic and functional motivations are sought for grammatical patterns, sentence meaning is viewed as the result of constraint satisfaction, and highly regular linguistic patterns are thought to be mediated by the same processes as irregular patterns. In this paper, recent cognitive linguistics arguments emphasizing the schematicity continuum, the non-autonomy of syntax, and the non-compositionality of semantics are presented and their amenability to connectionist modeling described. Some of the conceptual matches between cognitive linguistics and connectionism are then illustrated by a back-propagation model of the diverse meanings of the preposition over. The pattern set consisted of a distribution of form-meaning pairs that was meant to be evocative of English usage in that the regularities implicit in the distribution spanned the spectrum from rules to partial regularities to exceptions. Under pressure to encode these regularities with limited resources, the network used one hidden layer to recode the inputs into a set of abstract properties. The properties discovered by the network correspond closely to semantic features that linguists have proposed when giving an account of the meaning of over.

Hawson, Anne.  A Neuroscientific Perspective on Second-Language Learning and Academic Achievement.  Bilingual Review 21.2 (1996): 101-23.  [FT in ASE]

Heil, John.  "Does Cognitive Psychology Rest on a Mistake?" Mind 90.359 (1981): 321-342. 1981.

Johnson, Mark.  "Conceptual Metaphor and Embodied Structures of Meaning: A Reply to Kennedy and Vervaeke."  Philosophical Psychology 6.4 (1993): 413-23.  [FT in ASE]
Abstract: J. M. Kennedy and J. Vervaeke argue that my view of the bodily, and imaginative basis of meaning commits me to a mistaken reductionism and to the erroneous view that metaphors actually impose structure on the target domain. I explain the sense in which image schemas are central to the bodily grounding of meaning, although in a way that is not reductionistic. I then show now conceptual metaphors can involve pre-existing image-schematic structure and yet can also be partially constitutive of the conceptual structure of the target domain. In this way human conceptual systems can be both rooted in patterns of our bodily interactions and at the same time can be subject to various kinds of imaginative development and extension.

Knowles, Jonathan.  "Knowledge of Grammar as a Propositional Attitude." Philosophical Psychology.  13.3.(2000): 325-54.  [FPI in ASE]
Abstract: Noam Chomsky claims that we know the grammatical principles of our languages in pretty much the same sense that we know ordinary things about the world (e.g. facts), a view about linguistic knowledge that I term "cognitivism". In much recent philosophy of linguistics (including that sympathetic to Chomsky's general approach to language), cognitivism has been rejected in favour of an account of grammatical competence as some or other form of mental mechanism, describable at various levels of abstraction ("non-cognitivism"). I argue for cognitivism and against non-cognitivism. First, I show that the distinction between competence and performance in current linguistics is as clearly made as ever it was, in spite of recent interest in linguistic processing modules. Second, I use these facts about the practice of theoretical linguistics to refute various proposals for a non-cognitivist construal of grammatical competence, and to support cognitivism by
reflecting on the inapplicability of a multi-level account of linguistic competence. Cognitivism is then defended against several objections centering around the problems of rational integration and conceptualization of grammatical knowledge. Finally, the conception of competence argued for in relation to linguistics is placed in the larger context of cognitive science research and its implications for philosophy of mind.

Kornienko, Elena.  "Foreign Text Perception and Comprehension."  IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.  38.4 (2000): 331-44.  [FT in ASE]
Abstract: This article presents an interdisciplinary study of text comprehension. It combines insights from literary studies and cognitive science. An effort is made to show how psychological theories, methods of discourse comprehension and second language acquisition can be usefully combined. Preliminary theoretically motivated assumption is that cultural factors influence the comprehension process but the role of textual factors is not denied. The paper examines text comprehension from both theoretical and applied points of view. It focuses on the role of cultural factors that might affect a second-language learner's understanding of foreign texts.

Krug, Manfred.  "String Frequency: A Cognitive Motivating Factor in Coalescence, Language Processing, and Linguistic Change."   Journal of English Linguistics. 26.4 (1998): 286-222.
Abstract: Discusses the coalescence or contractions in present-day English and presents evidence in favor of the Frequency Factor. General tendencies found in previous descriptive studies; Critics and the nature of their hosts; Frequency constraints; Trade-off between the speaker's and the hearer's economy; Empirical support for Frequency Factor; Implications for linguistic theory.  [FT in ASE]

 Lee, David.  "A Tour Through Through."  Journal of English Linguistics. 26.4 (1998): 333-52. [FT in ASE]
Abstract: Provides a motivated account of the range of meanings associated with the use of the reposition `through,' using the theoretical framework of cognitive linguistics. Orientational metaphors; Frames; Radial categories; Plasticity of meanings; Impact on landmark; Achievement; Landmark as instrument; Causatives and resultatives; Basic temporal uses; Landmark as ordeals; Survival.

MacLennan, Carol H.G.  "Metaphors and Prototypes in the Learning and Teaching of Grammar and Vocabulary."  IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.  32.2 (1994): 97-111.  [FT in ASE]
Abstract:  Grammar and vocabulary are essential components of all language courses yet they are difficult to teach and time consuming to learn. This paper discusses the metaphoric and prototypical aspects of prepositions, adjectives and other word forms and considers how these may contribute to improved grammar and vocabulary learning. The central position of metaphor in the structure of language, its role in the development of new concepts and its cognitive functions provide associative networks which link phrasal verbs, prepositions and adjectives on the basis of semantic categories. These could be activated to simplify and accelerate the learning tasks of ESL/EFL students.

Malak, Janusz.  Rev. of  A functional View of English Grammar, by P. R. Rastal. Lewiston: The Edwin Mellen Press. 1995.  In IRAL:
International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.  35.1 (1997): 79-84.  [FT in ASE]

Malt, Barbara C.  "From Cognitive Psychology to Cognitive Linguistics and Back Again: The Study of Category Structure."  Cognitive Linguistics in the Redwoods: The Expansion of a New Paradigm in Linguistics.  Ed. Eugene Casad.  Mouton de Gruyter: Berlin, 1996. pp. 147-73.

Oakley, Todd V.  "The Human Rhetorical Potential."  Written Communication. 16.1 (1999): 93-129.
Abstract: Explores the possible grounds for a research program in cognitive rhetoric that aims to forge a tight link between the structures of meaning and structures of brain, body, and world. Fundamental procedures of human rhetorical potential; Cognitive science and neuroscience; Human reasoning in three scenes.  

Ogulnick, Karen L.  "Introspection as a Method of Raising Critical Language Awareness."  Journal of Humanistic Counseling, Education & Development 37.3 (1999): 145-60.
Abstract: This article examines the use of introspection in applied linguistic research to raise critical language awareness. The author provides an example of her diary study to illustrate the social, cultural, and political processes that underlie language learning.  Implications, including those for teaching methodology, for humanistically oriented language educators are discussed.

O'Malley, J. Michael et. al.  "Some Applications of Cognitive Theory to Second Language Acquisition."   Studies in Second Language Acquisition 9.3 (1987): 287-306.

O’Neill, Robert.  Rev. of  Humanism in Language Teaching, by Earl W. Stevick (Oxford U P, 1990) and Cognitive Linguistics (Volume 1), Ed. Dirk Geeraerts, Mouton de Gruyter (Berlin), 1990.  In Cross Currents.  40.3 (1990): 229-34.  [FT in ASE]

Painter, Clare.  The Development of Language as a Resource for Thinking: A Linguistic View of Learning. Literacy in Society. Ed. Ruqaiya Hasan and Geof Williams.  London, England: Longman, 1996.

Toddman, John, and David Rankin.  "The Use of Stored Text in Computer-Aided Conversation."  Journal of Language & Social Psychology.  18.3 (1999): 287-310. [FPI in ASE]
Abstract: Augmentative communication (AC) systems with synthesized speech output have been developed for nonspeaking people. Most AC devices that aim to support social conversation have been designed to help the user generate novel utterances as quickly as possible. However, they remain too slow to support effective, real-time conversation. Preconstructed phrases have been shown capable of supporting socially effective conversations with a succession of new partners when the phrases are stored within a structure that models pragmatic aspects of natural conversation. The extent to which prestored text can be effective in repeated conversations with the same person, where most phrases are not reusable, was investigated in a single-case experimental design. Results indicated that the AC user's conversational rate with a repeat partner was faster, without any accompanying loss of social effectiveness. Furthermore, the user did not need to resort to on-line entry of text more frequently with the repeat partner than with new partners. Implications for the design of AC systems and for the understanding of the pragmatics of conversation are discussed.

Young, Richard, and Kyle Perkins.  "Cognition and Conation in Second language Acquisition Theory.  IRAL: International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching.  33.2 (1995): 142-65.  [FT in ASE]
Abstract: This paper attempts to integrate several different theories of the second language learning process into a general theory of the human learner. The general theory, which we call the cognitive/conative model, has been developed in the field of instructional psychology and educational measurement by Snow (1990) and Mislevy (1993). It recognizes five types of mental construct: conceptual structures, procedural skills, learning strategies, self-regulatory functions, and motivational orientations. Learning in the model is defined as a change in one or more of these constructs, each of which may be characterized by an initial state, a desired end state, and learning-development transitions between the two. The cognitive/conative model effectively explains individual differences among second language learning processes. It also suggests an architectural view of second language proficiency in which advanced learners do not simply have more of what beginners lack but rather the factors underlying the linguistic performance of beginners and advanced learners are different and interact in different way.